Snail Games USA used New York Comic-Con to showcase its popular Chinese free-to-play online game, Age of Wushu. The company has established its U.S. headquarters in Los Angeles with plans to bring Age of Wushu and other online games to North America. Snail Games Founder and CEO Shi Hai explains how he’s working with international film star Jet Li and details his plans for American gamers in this exclusive interview.

How did your background as an entrepreneur lead to the creation of Snail Games?
I originally studied graphic design, and then started my career in advertising. I was sidetracked for a while: I did some house remodeling, and even opened a Karaoke bar. Then, in 1998, the Internet truly took off as a global phenomenon. Since I was already in the service industry, I thought it would be good to create a service for the internet. My background in art and my long interest in gaming naturally led to the creation of original content for online consumers. We founded our company as early as 2000, and our first product, an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game), was called “Voyage Century” in China. This is how we started.
我以前是学美术设计的,之后投身广告事业。不久,我又转向设计装饰,甚至还开了KTV。1998年, 因特网在全球普遍流行起来。我就考虑,既然我已经从事了服务行业, 不如就在网络上建立服务。我出身艺术,热爱游戏,这让我不由自主地有了给网上消费者创造新事物的想法。于是在2000年创立了公司,做出了第一款产品,MMORPG游戏“航海世纪”,这就是我们的开始。
When it comes to Snail Games, where did the name come from? What does it mean?
I believe many companies come up with their names not through a rigorous analysis, but in a moment of sheer inspiration. Snail just sounded right at the time. Once we have it, we are reminded of a saying that only two creatures can ever make their way to the top of a pyramid: an eagle, and a snail. I also remember a movie in which someone said that a snail can crawl along the edge of a serrated knife. A snail’s survival instinct is most extraordinary. It is our metaphor for starting out small, and yet aspiring to achieve the impossible.
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