
What games are you localizing for American gamers?
This year we are introducing Age of Wushu, which we believe is the first game of its kind to achieve an authentic presentation of Chinese martial arts. No other game has truly portrayed the historical setting as well as the actual fighting styles of real martial arts. We’ve created a game with its traditional features intact, and completely refitted it with a brand new skin.
Can people learn the martial arts in some capacity through playing this game?
With respect to the game as a whole, the player will gain a deep, profound understanding of Chinese martial arts. This is achieved in a great part by our exhaustive motion-capture of real martial artists. Of the eight different Schools, or disciplines, of martial arts we present in the game, such as the Shaolin or the Wudang, we’ve invited actual practitioners who carry on those traditions to demonstrate their skills. We’ve also localized a large volume of text we’ve written to bring an ancient culture to life. In all, through this game, we’ve essentially presented a systematic review of Chinese martial-arts lore in its entirety.
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